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Learn how to make a daily restorations easier, how to approach to digital CAD-CAM and to Endodontics and how to find the perfect balance in colour and shape. Learn directly from our founders and honorary members.

Dr Walter Devoto

With dr Devoto you will see different level of choice for both the pratictioner and the patient.

Prof Angelo Putignano

Discover "MY SHADE GUIDE" with Prof. Angelo Putignano.

Dr Jordi Manauta

Do you know how to set the margins? Find out the answer with dr. Manauta.

Dr Riccardo Tonini

Endo Tactics. With dr Tonini you will discover why.

Dr Giulio Pavolucci

Dr Pavolucci will talk about shape and the importance of simplification.

Dr Mark Bowes

Dr. Bowes share his experience about CAD-CAM hand made design.


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